Here's a song by the band that turned into 1000 Violins. The Page Boys had one 7" on Whaam! in 1983 called "You're My Kind of Girl", this is the b-side. Wally from The Beautiful Music called it electromod, but judge for yourselves. You can find this song on the Whaam! compilation that Vinyl Japan put out years ago. At least it might be easier to find than the original single! Couldn't find any proper pictures, so you'll have make do with this one snatched from eBay.DROP 60The Page Boys - In Love With You
I just lurve this site! Do you have anything else by Men of Westenesse..I hope I got the spelling correct.
but i'm afraid i only had that one track. but someone from the band said he'd be in touch if he found anything else.
Electromod - a blending of 60's Mod with the 80's electronic Pop and would definitely be loved by anyone into The Hit Parade. They had so many more great tunes - it is a shame that more songs didn't get recorded and released. I have tracked down about 6 songs so far but maybe someone out there has more - Wally
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